It is the perfect time to reflect on what has been a fantastic year here. The museum team would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody who has supported us throughout the year, from stopping in to see the exhibits to joining us for one of our late openings, it has been a pleasure to welcome everybody to the museum.
We have had a fantastic 2023 at Horsham Museum and our 20,000th visitor of the year passed through the doors on 23 December. There have been 4 new exhibitions / gallery refreshes including the Shelley Gallery, our summer exhibition on Frederick DuCane Godman, the Horsham Now Gallery and the recently opened A-Z of History. We also started our artist's gallery, where we host different collections of works by artists from the South-East. The current display marks the third group's show.

Our events programme also expanded in 2023. Our children's craft sessions each school holiday and half term continue to amaze the team with the creative works by our younger visitors. Coronation events across the district were a success, with everybody celebrating the new King. Crafts, refreshments and a string quartet concert took place in the museum with the sunny weather giving the perfect opportunity to showcase the gardens. We also began the Friday late events with 4 taking place across the summer, and our final festive late last weekend.

Published: 20 Dec 2023