Three new medieval objects have gone on display at Horsham Museum this week. Although they may be small in size, they are beautiful examples of jewellery worn by people hundreds of years ago. Each object has been found in Horsham district and we have been able to acquire them through the Portable Antiquities Scheme and the support of the Friends of Horsham Museum. Read this blog post to find out more about these fascinating artefacts.
A nummular brooch has gone on display which dates from the mid-13th century and is adapted from a Gros Tournois coin from the reign of King Louis IX of France. The practise of adapting coins into brooches was quite popular in the 1200s. Gros Tournois coins are silver, so the coin has been gilded with gold on one side to make it more attractive when worn. The side of the coin with the cross has been chosen as the decorative side, to show the wearer's devotion to God.
Alongside the brooch, two posy rings have recently gone on display. These delicate gold bands have an inscription on the inside edge and take their name from the French poésy which means poetry. Both are from the post medieval period (16th and 17th century). It is believed that the inscriptions were placed on the inside band in order to rest against the wearer's skin giving the message more meaning.

See these artefacts for yourself, and find out more about them, by visiting the Medieval gallery. The gallery is open every day that the museum is, Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm and all days across bank holiday weekends.
Published: 06 Feb 2024