Refreshments: There are pubs in Bramber and Beeding for refreshments
Toilets: Bramber Car Park, The Street
Dogs: Dog friendly walk - Please keep on leads and tidy up any mess.
A walk on the flat with one stile. Bramber Brooks area may be boggy in parts during the winter.
This self guided walk explores the fascinating story of how the communities around the village of Bramber exploited the review Adur that flows down to the seas and the surrounding lands for medieval salt making and the more recent cement industry. The valley cuts through the chalk downs of the South Down, now a National Park and this trail opens up a number of interesting views from ancient buildings to post-industrial landscapes and to tranquil riversides with waterfowl gliding past.
Points of interest include:
- Bramber Brooks Nature Reserve
- Sele Priory and St Peter's Church
- Former Salt Making sites
- Beeding Bridge
- Beeding Court
- St Mary's House
Photo: Frank Bull Photography
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