Box 49: Queen Elizabeth II Remembered

Reminiscence Loan Box

1.  Coins - 2 shillings, 1 shilling, half penny, 1D, 3D, 6D, half new penny, 10p
2.  Silver Jubilee serviette and paper plate
3.  The Daily Telegraph - HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh 1921 -2021
4.  Telegraph Magazine - HRH Prince Philip
5.  The Daily Express - Our Beloved Queen is Dead
6.  The Sun - We loved you ma'am
7.  The Daily Express - Our Kind and Gracious Queen
8.  The Times - Obituary of Queen Elizabeth II
9.  The Daily Mail - Her Final Journey
10.  The Daily Mail - Our Hearts are Broken
11.  The Daily Express - God Rest Our Queen
12.  The Sunday Times - Queen Elizabeth II -1926 - 2022
13.  Hello Magazine - Royal Funeral edition
14.  The Times Magazine- Queen Elizabeth II - Life in Pictures Part 1
15.  Yours Magazine Special Edition-The Queen Remembered
16.  Silver Jubilee Celebratory Coin 1977
17.  Woman's Own Magazine Special Souvenir - The Royal Year
18.  Postcard - The Queen's Silver Jubilee
19.  Snapshot Album - Our Royal Children
20.  Princess Elizabeth, Wife and Mother
21.  Itinerary of the Visit of Her Majesty the Queen, Nigeria 1956
22.  Posters - Queen Mary, King George the 5th, Queen Elizabeth and queen riding with her two grandchildren
23.  Poster - The Queen's visit to Horsham 1978
24.  Poster - King George VI
25.  Posters a) the Queen's visit to the Royal Military Police, Chichester b) Forest Boys School, Horsham c) The Queen Elizabeth School, Horsham
26.  Souvenir Program Royal Homecoming Celebrations, May 1954
27.  Illustrated Magazine, The Royal Wedding
28.  Special Edition Magazine, The Life and Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II
29.  Magazine, Queen Elizabeth II longest reigning monarch
30.  The Daily Telegraph, Royal Tour, 1953
31.  Poster: In Her Beloved Highlands
32.  The Daily Mail welcome home royal tour souvenir
33.  Poster - The Coronation procession
34.  Her Majesty's Family Tree
35.  Postcard - HRH the Princess and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten
36.  Poster - HRH the Princess Elizabeth
37.  Poster - The Queen's Wedding Day
38.  Poster – Coronation Day Balcony Scene
39.  Poster – Coronation Souvenir
40.  Poster – Coronation State Coach
41.  Poster -The Queen on her way to the State Opening of Parliament, 1952
42.  Poster - The Coronation Crown
43.  Postcard - HM the Queen
44.  Poster -The Daily Express - The Duke breaks the news
45.  Poster - The Marriage Certificate
46.  Poster - The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh Golden Jubilee photo
47.  Poster - Scenes from the Queen's Life
48.  Poster - At Home, The Royal Family
49.  £1 Bank note, 1797 - 1984
50.  Calendar 2023 - HM Queen Elizabeth II
51.  The Daily Telegraph, Death of King George VI, 7 February 1952
52 . Majesty Magazine Diamond Jubilee
53.  Silver Jubilee Official Souvenir Programme
54.  Hello Magazine Special Edition, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee
55.  Calendar 2016, The Queen at 90
56.  The Telegraph Magazine, The Queen, Her Life in Pictures
57.  The Daily Express, Longest to Reign Over Us
58.  The Daily Mail, The Queen's Private Family Album
59.  The Daily Mail, Jubilee in Glorious Pictures
60.  The Daily Mail, Souvenir Newspaper, 1952-2002

Total: 30 Items.  Value:£100

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