Box 20: Down Memory Lane

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Pair of blue fashion gloves (L5328)
  2. Small black felt hat (L4289)
  3. Small bejewelled evening purse (L5330)
  4. Blackout curtain (L5326)
  5. 1940s dark brown blouse (L4545)
  6. Pair child’s red plastic sandals (L876.1 and .2)
  7. Baby doll with crocheted clothes (L5325)
  8. Utility bodice (L5327)
  9. Metal household budget money box and key (L5329)
  10. Piccadilly Juniors cigarette tin (L5321)
  11. Metal Toaster
  12. Icing piping set (metal) (L5322)
  13. Tin Horlicks tablets (L4183)
  14. Box of Indian liniment (L5324)
  15. Ceramic eye bath (L5320)
  16. Beecham’s Help to Scholars booklet (L3062)
  17. Fur cape (L792)
  18. Picturegoer Film Annual (L5331)
  19. Stitchcraft Magazine Feb 1961 (L5332)
  20. Festival of Britain Poster
  21. National Identity Card (L4340)
  22. 1942-43 Clothing Coupon book (L4068.3)
  23. Good Housekeeping Buffet Parties magazine (L5333)
  24. Wooden darning mushroom (L4483)
  25. Pair of nylons (L5334)
  26. Threads for mending hosiery, pack of 3 (L5335)
  27. Dresses for dancetime pictures from “Woman” magazine
  28. Poster of the Queen in a fur stole
  29. Poster of Princess Margaret
  30. Wartime larder poster
  31. VP Wine advertisement 1953
  32. Knitted child’s green and white swimsuit (L5336)

TOTAL: 32 Items Value £125

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