Box 24: Games We Used To Play

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Ludo (L5028)
  2. Tiddley Winks (L5027)
  3. Cluedo (L5021)
  4. Cribbage (L5029)
  5. Snap (L5023)
  6. Anagram (L5024)
  7. Pick-up-sticks (L5022)
  8. Monopoly (modern travel version) (L5025)
  9. Mastermind (L5026)
  10. Rubber dominos
  11. Book of Games (L5030)
  12. Jacks (L4063.1)
  13. The Last Straw (L5020)
  14. String for cat’s cradle
  15. Pack of cards (L5031)
  16. Games with paper and pencil
  17. Party games
  18. Back Gammon (L5032)

Total: 18 items Value: £70

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This service is free in the Horsham District and is available from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.45pm only.

Please telephone the Museum on 01403 254959 or email us for further details or to book a session