Box 39: Growing up

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Child’s Nightdress (L.5500)
  2. Baby’s White Shawl (L.5501)
  3. Child’s Blue and White Smocked Dress (L.378)
  4. Navy Knitted Boy’s Tank-Top (L.5155)
  5. Model Sailing Boat (L.5502)
  6. Knitted Toy Dog (L.1990.219)
  7. Happy Families Card Game (L.5503)
  8. The Dormel Infant Miniature Feeder Box (L.4482)
  9. Wooden Toy Sports Car (L.4404)
  10. Clockwork Toy Mouse (L.5504)
  11. Two-Headed Glove Puppet (L.5505)
  12. Winnie the Pooh Soft Toy (L.5506)
  13. Pelham String Puppet (L.5507)
  14. Wooden Rattle (L.5508)
  15. Baby’s Rattle (L.5509)
  16. Baby’s Pram Toy Mouse (L.5510)
  17. Floppy Giraffe (L.5511)
  18. Child’s Click-Clack Toy Frog (L.5512)
  19. Wooden Toy Aeroplane (L.5513)
  20. For the Toddler Leach-way Fashion (L.982)
  21. Muffin the Mule Stamp
  22. Simplicity Dress Pattern (L.5514)
  23. Things We Do, Ladybird Reading Scheme (L.5515)
  24. Picture Poems “For the Little Ones” Book (L.5516)
  25. Sunny Stories Book (L.4422)
  26. Crackerjack Annual 1977 (L.5517)
  27. Baby’s Anti-Gas Helmet Information Sheet (L.5518)
  28. Childhood Holidays Remembered Poem
  29. Play School Pop Up Book (L.5005)
  30. Woodward’s Gripe Water Advert
  31. Nora and Tilly Cut-Out Dolls Picture Sheet
  32. Bunty’s Cut-Out Wardrobe Poster
  33. Patons Fuzzy-Wuzzy Designs Poster
  34. Sooty’s Stamp Design Poster
  35. The Best of Times Picture
  36. Toys for Nothing Booklet (L.5519)
  37. -46. Knitting Patterns in Blue Wallet (L.5520-5528, L.4606)

Total: 46 Items Value £150

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This service is free in the Horsham District and is available from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.45pm only.

Please telephone the Museum on 01403 254959 or email us for further details or to book a session