Box 12: Holiday time

Reminiscence Loan Box

1. Large Suitcase and luggage label 1940/50 (1995.965)
2. Box camera in case (L5087) in Small Suitcase (Item no. 34)
3. Flask 1930-40 (1994.14.1-.4) in Small Suitcase (Item no. 34)
4. ‘Regaid’ First Aid Kit in tin (1990.361.1)
5. Full length ‘culotte’ style sunsuit (L4283)
6. Green bathing cap (L4602)
7. Red Swimming trunks 1948 (1993.306)
8. Black and white elastic nylon swimming costume 1950s (1994.432)
9. Holiday souvenir: ‘Tintagel’ dish (L4469)
10. Travel iron (L1028)
11. Sewing kit (L802)
12. Binoculars in case (1987.555)
13. Beach towel (1960s) (L4603)
14. Tin Pascall Dark Barley sugar (1998.2271)
15. Longleat guidebook (L4610)
16. Motorists touring guide and road map 1926 (1996.1080)
17. Motor Fuel ration book (L83)
18. Postcards (2) (1996.103.1-.6)
19. Camp equipment catalogue 1953 (L578)
20. Knotted hanky to keep off the sun
21. Woman and Home Magazine 1957 (L4236)
22. Bestway – Man’s swimming trunks knitting pattern (L1007)
23. Yellow file with a selection of photocopied material suitable for display or handing round
24. Bag for Palace rock Blackpool (L3052)
25. Box of seashells
26. Family by the Swimming Pool
27. Remember the street photographer?
28. Coat hanger  (L4647)
29. Fun at Butlins picture c. 1938
30. Child’s knitted sunsuit (L5369)
31. Blue Caledonian Cabin Blanket
32. KODAK Ultramax Film and Canister
33. Book - Girls CRYSTAL Annual 1958
34. Small suitcase - P&O Cabin Case – 1952
35. Book – Beside the Seaside

Total: 35  Items value £200

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