Box 14: Lets Spring Clean

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Brush for soft polishing task
  2. O-Cedar Impregnated Mop poster
  3. Washing Plunger (L1985.285)
  4. Newsheaf Household Soap (L.1017)
  5. Robin Starch (1994.12)
  6. Colman’s Azure Blue poster
  7. White cotton bolster cover (L187)
  8. Poster - Topps Polish
  9. Bottle Brush (L4214.6)
  10. Electrolux Suction Cleaner Leaflet (L574)
  11. Poster – Washing Machines
  12. Metal Carpet Beater
  13. Polivit Silver Cleaner (pkt) (L803)
  14. Floor Cloth
  15. Toilet Brush (L4214.1)
  16. White cotton frilly pillowcase (L1997.2335.2)
  17. Home Dry Cleaning Brush (L4635)
  18. Electrolux Leaflet for carpet cleaner (L404)
  19. Booklet – ‘How to Clean Everything’ (L2049)
  20. Horse brass (L4207)
  21. 3 pegs (1996.1723.11)
  22. Omo & Robin starch Ads.
  23. Brasso & Silvo Ads.
  24. Advert – ‘Exhibition of Home Hygiene’, Horsham
  25. Laundry Tub tongs (L1014)
  26. Memories – two cards with washday memories to read with
    your group
  27. Washing up mop (L4273)
  28. Black lead box (1984.48)
  29. Black lead brush (X1997.2368)
  30. Walvet Wallpaper cleaner (L4359)

TOTAL: 30 Items Value £175

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This service is free in the Horsham District and is available from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.45pm only.

Please telephone the Museum on 01403 254959 or email us for further details or to book a session