Box 29: On the High Street Box A

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Grocers Picture of shop interior
  2. String bag
  3. Ground spice box (L3060)
  4. Whole cloves box (L4521.6)
  5. Oxo tin (1992.360)
  6. Shippams paste pot (1997.62)
  7. Gelatine packet (L4521.3)
  8. RACS paper bag (L5246)
  9. Lyons Maid ice cream paper bag (L5247)
  10. Butter pats (1981.302)
  11. Walkers Stores paper bag (L5248)
  12. Greengrocer Edwards paper bag (L5249)
  13. Butcher’s shop picture
  14. Newsagent/tobacconist/sweetshop picture
  15. West Sussex County Times - 11 May 1945 (L5250)
  16. Victor comic (L5251) 17. Milk Tray advertisement
  17. Home Notes magazine x2 (L855 and L856)
  18. Black Magic chocolate tin (L5255)
  19. Asthma cigarettes (L4649)
  20. Skipper tobacco tin (L5252)
  21. Churchman’s cigarette tin (L29)
  22. Silver cigarette case (L4363)
  23. Pipe cleaners (L4065)
  24. Cigarette holder (L5253)
  25. Lighter (L2042)
  26. Snuff tin (L2007)
  27. Baker’s collection of items on board
  28. Wakefield’s Quote for wedding cake (1996.2598.2)
  29. Post Office Collection of items on board
  30. Box of 7 pre-decimal coins
  31. Chemist shop Box of small items
  32. Woodwards Gripe Water advertisement
  33. Sweet advertisement (1953)
  34. Chivers Jellies Avert
  35. Brassington Chemist picture
  36. Pictures of West Street Horsham x2
  37. Picture of International Stores in West Street (1999.81.78 copy)
  38. Timothy Whites Store West Street Horsham
  39. “Fresh” toilet roll (L5254)
  40. Shopping with mother pictures x2

Total: 41 items Value: £100

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