Reminiscence Loan Box
- Haberdasher/wool shop items on board
- Knitting pattern – child’s bolero (1990.371.27)
- Knitting pattern - socks (1990.371.11)
- Set of 4 knitting needles (L2975)
- Simplicity dress pattern (L5256)
- Dressmaker’s tracing paper (L5261)
- Pinking shears box (L5258)
- Singer sewing machine manual (L5259)
- Darning mushroom (L4864)
- Stationers Items on card
- Sloans ink iradicator (L5260)
- Drawing pin tin (L5257)
- Glass ink well (L5262)
- Pencil sharpener (L4992)
- 3 Pen nibs (L5263)
- Ellwood typewriter ribbon (L4156.2)
- Utility pencils x2 (L4098.1 and .2)
- Eraser in leather case (L5264)
- Horsham postcard
- Wooden pencil box (L131)
- Toy Shop Money box (1995.441)
- Lead soldier - bugler (1995.196.1)
- Lead soldier - Highlander (1995.1009.2)
- Doll in pink crocheted dress (L5272)
- Rupert Bear soft toy (L5273)
- Standard Vanguard corgi car (L5275)
- Volkswagen matchbox car (L5276)
- I-Spy book (L5274)
- Mini-cream tin (L5278)
- Candle snuffer (L4892)
- Jelly mould (L415)
- Plumb line (L927)
- Poaching rings (L761)
- Pillow ticking (L4477.1)
- Cushion cover (1960s) (L4747)
- Whiteways cider advert. 1953
- Paraffin and oil heater advertisements
- 1955 Cooker advertisements
- Flit spray (L5277)
Total: 39 Items Value £100
This service is free in the Horsham District and is available from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.45pm only.
Please telephone the Museum on 01403 254959 or email us for further details or to book a session