Box 31: On the High Street Box C

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Woolworths Christmas card box (L5287)
  2. Woolworths items on card
  3. Woolworths paper bag (L5291)
  4. East Street Bridport – picture of Woolworths store
  5. Cycle shop - Puncture kit (L4454)
  6. London to Brighton cycle map (L4492)
  7. Jewellers - Jury Cramp Christmas advert. (L5292)
  8. Jury Cramp bag and envelope (L4747.2 and L3325.4)
  9. Music shop - Recorder (L4657)
  10. Gramophone needle tin with packet (L5293)
  11. Songs of the Orchestra music book (L5294)
  12. Picture - J.W. Arundel, Draper (L5295)
  13. Paper bag - Lakers, Gents. Outfitters (L5296)
  14. Department store - Handbag and mirror (L5297)
  15. Chart and Lawrence paper bag (L5298)
  16. Leather gloves (L5299)
  17. Pair of nylon stockings (L5300)
  18. Leather purse (L181)
  19. Shoe horn in case (L5301)
  20. Givenchy perfume in box (L5302)
  21. Powder compact (L5303)
  22. Dry cleaners - Sketchley paper bag (L5304)
  23. Hairdressers - Items on card
  24. Curling tongs (L768)
  25. Camera shop (or chemist) Photographic hypo box (L5308)
  26. Colourslide film (L5309)
  27. Photo fixers (L5310)
  28. Film wallets x2 (Boots) (L5311)
  29. The bank – Pre-decimal coins x6 (L5314)
  30. Midland Bank coin bag (cloth) (L5312)
  31. Midland Bank 3d bag (L349)
  32. National Provincial Bank £1 x 6d pieces (L5313)
  33. Foster Brothers advert
  34. Poster – Men in overcoats and trilby hats
  35. Picture – Hunt Brothers
  36. Grants poster
  37. Tanner and Chart advert.
  38. Co-op advert for indoor and outdoor wear
  39. George Dendy, draper, Middle Street paper bag (L5315)
  40. Hoads furniture advert
  41. West Street, Horsham x 4 pictures

Total: 41 items Value: £100

Download the On the High Street: Box C box contents

This service is free in the Horsham District and is available from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.45pm only.

Please telephone the Museum on 01403 254959 or email us for further details or to book a session