Reminiscence Loan Box
- Pictures: Coronation Coach
- Queen in Coronation Robes
- Group on the Palace balcony
- Queen Mother
- Princess Margaret
- Coronation Parade – Horsham 1937
- 4 x Coronation advertisements
- 2 x Coronation of King George VI
- 2 x Royal Wedding
- 1937 Daily Telegraph supplement
- Illustrated London News 1954
- Schoolgirl’s Own Photo Album
- The Queen’s Album
- Booklet: Princess Elizabeth’s miniature house
- Daily Telegraph: 3rd. June 1953
- Booklet: The Crown Jewels
- Picture: King George V and Queen Mary
- Daily Mail: 27th. April 1923
- Daily Express: 2nd. July 1969
- Royalty Illustrated
- Our King and Queen (L4461)
- Princess Elizabeth
- The Queen with Prince Charles
- 2 x Paper celebration plates and napkins (L2272)
- Silver Jubilee souvenir dish (L5403)
- Coronation souvenir glass (L4033)
- Edward VIII souvenir mug (L5404)
- 1937 Coronation souvenir badge (L5405)
- 1977 Jubilee ashtray (L4416)
- Postcard Album (L5406)
- Souvenir tin 1953 (1998.2248)
- Souvenir tin 1953 (L5407)
- 2 x Prince Charles, Princess Diana and Prince William
- Daily Express
- Sunday Telegraph Magazine August 1981
- Souvenir Bookmark July 1981 (L5408)
Total: 36 Items Value: £100
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