Box 10: School days

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Child’s gas mask (L3057)
  2. Skipping rope (L4429)
  3. ‘Vital Primary Geometry’ – book (L1089)
  4. 7 marbles + 6 cigarette cards
  5. Photo of classroom (In File)
  6. Empire Day Certificate (In File)
  7. Cross stitch mat made in school – 1960s (In File) (L416)
  8. Book – Elementary Botany (L5399)
  9. ‘Evacuation, Why and How’ leaflet (In File) (1987.838.6)
  10. ‘National Needlecraft’ competitors certificate (In File)
  11. Stitch Sampler(In File) (L5402)
  12. Poster of Hand writing exercises (1930s)
  13. School Milk Bottle (L5401)
  14. School sports shirt (L5396)
  15. Glass ink well (2000.3079)
  16. Cash’s name tape box (L4719)
  17. Photo of domestic Science Class of 1936
  18. Boys’ sock pattern (L5813)
  19. Photo of pupils going to Grammar School
  20. Wooden Pencil Box (L4090)
  21. BBC Broadcasts to Schools – Geography 1957 (L5400)
  22. Boxed Slide Rule (L5016)
  23. School Satchel (L2970)
  24. Phillips Geographical Reader
    Horsham Museum & Art Gallery
    Reminiscence Loan Service
    Box 10
    School Days
  25. ‘The Look About Nature’ study book (L5397)
  26. Spectacles in case (L263)
  27. Lisle stockings (L580)
  28. ‘National Schools Knit a Square Competition’ advert from 1953 (L859)
  29. Playground and ‘Prayers’ pictures
  30. Book -‘New Realistic Arithmetic’ (L4406)
  31. Brushwork Painting book – 1905 (L633)
  32. ‘The Robin Redbreast’ (L704)
  33. Hair slides, red, green and 2 brown (L4313)
  34. School Blazer (1998.907)
  35. School photo with price list
  36. Photo of Father Christmas in the classroom
  37. Photo of The Class of 1935-1936
  38. 8 postcards of Horsham High School for Girls (In file) (L5172)
  39. School Life in Grandma’s Day (Book) (L5395)
  40. A – D Pictures of School activities (In file)
  41. Metric System Made Easy (L705)
  42. Decidial (L97)
  43. Here We Go Janet and John Book
  44. Picture Book of Grammar (L224)
  45. School Slate (L5483)
  46. Green School Gym Skirt (L5482)
  47. Wooden Recorder & Tutor Book

Total: 47 items value of £225

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