Box 19: The 1970s

Reminiscence Loan Box

1.Tupperware Spice Jars (set of four) (L5345)
2.Tupperware Parties picture
3.Queen’s Silver Jubilee Souvenir Glass Tankard (L5344)
4.Silver Jubilee Paper Plate (L964.12)
5.“Let’s Go” programme 1970 (L4712.6)
6.Sunday Express 31.1.1971 (pre decimalisation) (L5351)
7.Small box of coins
8.McCalls Men’s trouser pattern (L4262.6)
9.Butterick pinafore frock pattern (L5347)
10.Brother Hood of Man L.P (Disco Hits)
11.Laura Ashley jump suit (L3026)
12.Laura Ashley Summer floral dress (L3031)
13.Carpet sample (and wallpaper sample) (L5342)
14.“HOW TO” magazine (1974) (L174)
15.Decca LP – 100 best tunes – 1972 (L5350)
16.Once Upon a Time children’s magazine (L5341)
17.White beaded belt with gilt chain fastening (L5339)
18.Gold fabric belt (L5346)
19.Men’s brown leather platform shoes (1972/3) (L5349)
20.Yellow and Navy crocheted tank top (L5352)
21.Patons pattern picture – Ladies summer tops
22.Knitting pattern – boy’s sweater (L5340)
23.1971 holiday adverts x 2
24.1975 Tricelon Advertisement
25.18th birthday key (L5343)
26.1973 “Topper” annual (L5353)
27.Britain in the 1970’s sheet (L5353)
28. Book: Barnaby Bedtime Stories (L5004)
29.Book: Chigley Goodnight Stories (L5007)
30.A pair of navy bottomed trousers
31.Patons “Gift Time” crochet dress
32.Vogue Patterns Magazine 1979
33.“Back to the 70s” DVD
35.Blue and brown striped tie
36.Brown and orange flares
38.Crochet poncho
39.Petrol Coupons issued 1974
40.Space hopper picture
41.View master picture
42.  Selection of film and TV greats

Total:  42 Items value £200

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