Box 22: The Way We Were

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Home Savings Box (L945)
  2. Opera Glasses (1995.75.1)
  3. Drummer Dye (L4553)
  4. Box of Coins (L5094)
  5. Silk Hat (L4107)
  6. Corset (L4298)
  7. 4711 Cologne (L4463)
  8. Child’s Shoes (L5090.1-.2)
  9. Two Collars (1992.260.7)
  10. Cardinal Polish (1992.357)
  11. Lotto Game (L4403)
  12. Ostermilk Tin (L4792)
  13. Beecham’s Pills (1997.760.2)
  14. Epsom Salts (L5091)
  15. Smelling Salts (L5092)
  16. Camera (L4133.1)
  17. 1953 Coronation Tin (L424)
  18. St. Julien Tobacco Tin (marked Fusesi) (L30)
  19. Wedding Photograph 1929 (L5093)
  20. Record ‘Peter & The Wolf’ (L5088)
  21. ‘The Kitchen’ Poster
  22. Fifty Years of Fashion
  23. Churchill Portrait
  24. Wooden Peg (L4456.2)
  25. Hair Comb & Slides (L4311.1-.3)

TOTAL: 25 Items Value £105

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