Box 21: Those Were the Days

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Apron (L1084)
  2. Fur Cape (L4381)
  3. Wooden Fruit Bowl (L5158)
  4. Bed Sock (L5160.1-.2)
  5. TV Test Card
  6. Queen Mother Pictures
  7. Coronation Issue – Daily Telegraph (L5162)
  8. Black Leather Shoes (L5159.1-.2)
  9. Toilet Roll (L319)
  10. Household Hints Folder (L305)
  11. Baby’s bottle (1986.182)
  12. Dancing Charlie (L4720)
  13. Homemaker Plate (black/white) (L2059) + Saucer (L2056)
  14. Blue Velvet Hat (1996.1275)
  15. Mouli Grater (L4473)
  16. Carpet Beater (L4205)
  17. Beechams Pill Advert.
  18. Icing Set (2000.3070.1)
  19. Pair of Long Black Suede Evening Gloves (L4744)
  20. Dressing-up Picture
  21. Presto and Kleenoff Jelly Advert
  22. Darning Mushroom (L4687)
  23. Columbia Record (L5161)
  24. Toffee Hammer (L4030)
  25. State Express Cigarette Tin (L567)
  26. Darning Wool (L4618.5-.6)

TOTAL: 26 Items Value £115

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