Box 18: Touching Memories

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. ‘Skin’ Handbag (1990.1078)
  2. Pair of metal shoe Trees (L835)
  3. Boot/Shoe Shaper (L5355)
  4. Large wooden cotton reel (L2102.9)
  5. School Milk Bottle (1/3 pint) (L5354)
  6. Pair of long satin evening gloves (L4044)
  7. Enamel tea pot (L4477.1)
  8. Enamel mug (L869)
  9. China Candlestick (L4734)
  10. Enamel candle holder (L4586)
  11. Black silk net ‘Boa’ with fringe (L47)
  12. Glass mustard pot (L4221)
  13. Sainsburys bloater paste pot (L5356)
  14. China pie funnel (L5357)
  15. Toaster 50’s/60’s (L5358)
  16. Sanding block (L5359)
  17. Glass flower arranging aid (L4466)
  18. Two cake decorating stencils (L814 and L813)
  19. Medicine bottle in green glass (L5360)
  20. Shell box (L103)
  21. Hand whisk (L668)
  22. Curling Tongs (L5361)
  23. 21st birthday key (L5362)
  24. Dunlop tyre pressure gauge (L5363)
  25. Wooden spirit level (L236)
  26. Black velvet evening bag (1997.2358)
  27. Net and lace waist slip (L4290)
  28. Black bow tie (L5364)
  29. Starched shirt collar (L5365)
  30. Small black straw hat (L221)

Total: 30 Items value £230

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This service is free in the Horsham District and is available from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.45pm only.

Please telephone the Museum on 01403 254959 or email us for further details or to book a session