Box 9: Uniforms

Reminiscence Loan Box

  1. Bowler Hat (L5377)
  2. Striped Shirt and detached collar (L4206.1)
  3. Waitress Apron (L5374)
  4. Nurse’s Apron (1994.329.1)
  5. Airman’s beret (L5376)
  6. Army Hat (L4357.2)
  7. Brass Buttons (L3052.8)
  8. Polish Guard (L4666)
  9. Red Cross Badge (pinned on St John’s jumper)
  10. Brownie Guide Badge Book (L916)
  11. Soldier - laminated picture
  12. RAF Cap (L5378)
  13. The Nurses of London poster
  14. Operating Theatre Nurse – laminated picture
  15. Girl Guide’s Satchel (L871)
  16. Girl Guide’s Belt (L4725)
  17. Police picture board
  18. Nurse’s drinking cup (1998.1537)
  19. Military picture board
  20. Trooping the Colour book
    Horsham Museum & Art Gallery
    Reminiscence Loan Service
    Box 9
  21. Nippy Picture and Cap
  22. Cub Scout Jumper and Boy Scout woggle (L5372)
  23. St. John’s Ambulance jumper (L5373)
  24. Milkman and parking meter picture

Total: 24 items value £105

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This service is free in the Horsham District and is available from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.45pm only.

Please telephone the Museum on 01403 254959 or email us for further details or to book a session