School workshops bring genuine historical artefacts into schools so your pupils can become history detectives; discovering and examining the items, interpreting the evidence and answering questions.
Whilst it is important for Horsham Museum and Art Gallery to work with local schools to enrich children’s learning, we do not have the staff to deliver this ourselves. Instead we work with LPK Learning to develop educational workshops using artefacts supplied by the museum. LPK is a separate community organisation who are not employed by Horsham District Council or Horsham Museum and Art Gallery. They should be contacted directly via the email link or phone number below.
The LPK workshops are run by Petra Nelson. Petra is a qualified primary teacher with a love of history, especially the horrible, squeamish or funny bits. She is passionate about helping children to engage with history and make sense of the past.
About the workshops
Workshops include an entertaining and educational talk and a hands-on session with activities designed to help children to connect with the past.
- Each workshop lasts around an hour and is suitable for a class of up to 30 children and is held within your school.
- Where possible the workshops have cross curricular links. For example, our dinosaur topic has links with science and our toy workshop explores the properties and suitability of materials.

Our range of artefacts help children to make sense of the far distant past. Handling and examining genuine dinosaur bones, Stone Age tools and Iron Age pots as well as Egyptian and Roman objects provides a real and vivid learning experience.
Our current workshops are listed below but we are always happy to develop a workshop to meet your needs if the museum’s resources can support it.
- Dinosaurs: Be a Palaeontologist
- Stone Age to Iron Age: Be an Archaeologist
- Ancient Egypt : Everyday Life through Artefacts
- Ancient Egypt: Mummification
- Romans in Britain
- Victorian Washday/Houses and Homes
- Victorian School
- Life in the Workhouse
- Beside The Seaside: The Development of Seaside Holidays
- Toys
- World War 1
- World War 2
- Local Horsham History
Find more specific course outlines in our information pack.

Prices and booking
Workshops usually run for an hour. We are usually able to run 2 to 3 workshops in a half day and 3 to 4 in a full day, depending on the topic, workshop length and requirements of the school.
- Single workshop - £140
- Two workshops - £200
- Three workshops - £260
- Four workshops - £320
- Five workshops - £380
There is also a 45p/mile travel cost to and from Horsham Museum.
For more information or to book a session, please email or call Petra on 07954 371093.